Philadelphia Birth Doula Services | PA, DE & NJ

Create the Birth Experience You’ve Always Envisioned

Do you feel ready for birth & baby?

Welcoming your baby into the world is one of the most transformative journeys you’ll ever experience.

You're excited, of course, but you also likely have a LOT of questions and doubts, and that is completely normal!

  • "Is this really it? Are we meeting our baby today?"
  • "What will contractions feel like?"
  • "How will I navigate the intensity of labor?”
  • “Will I know when to go to my birthing location?”
  • “Will I get an epidural or lean into natural coping techniques?”
  • “AROM? Effacement? Pitocin— what!?”
Birth Doula Services Philadelphia supporting pregnant woman on birth ball

What do you find yourself wondering at 2am?

All of your questions swirl in your mind as the big day approaches, you feel like no matter how much you prepare, you aren’t sure how to put everything together.

Everyone seems to have advice, but what truly matters is finding your own path—the choices that feel right for you and your growing family.

From exploring birthing philosophies to making decisions about your ideal labor experience, the process of deciding what is right for you can feel overwhelming.

The questions may multiply, but you’re not alone. With the guidance of a compassionate and experienced doula, you’ll have the support you need to sort through the noise and focus on what matters most: creating a birth experience that feels aligned, empowering, and uniquely yours.

We’re here to bring calm to the nervousness, clarity to the questions, and confidence to your journey...

so you can welcome your baby with strength & love.

3 important ways your birth doula will support you:

Childbirth Education classes in your home or virtual for philadelphia families


Hiring a birth doula means having a trusted expert by your side.

We guide you and your partner through any questions during labor, help you create a birth plan you feel confident in, and educate you on your options, so you can approach your birth feeling informed, empowered, and ready.

philadelphia birth doula supporting mom in labor in a water birth


During labor, your doula will support you physically with techniques like massage, positional changes, and counter-pressure to ease your discomfort and address your changing physical needs.

We will also guide your partner in using these comfort measures to help reduce pain, encourage relaxation, and create a positive birth experience.

Philly Birth Doula hugging pregnant woman in living room


Labor can bring unexpected waves of emotion, sometimes leaving you feeling overwhelmed.

Your doula is there to help you process these feelings as they arise, offering calm reassurance and emotional support so you can stay grounded and focused throughout your experience.

You deserve to have someone who...

Is fully focused on supporting your needs and vision for your birth.

Carefully listens to your thoughts, feelings, and words, without judgment or any agenda.

Genuinely cares about you and helps you turn your wishes into a plan A, B and C.

Your birth doula package will include:


  • You will be matched with two doulas for your care, a primary and a back-up
  • Constant text access to your doula from the moment of hire
  • Two in-home prenatal visits to explore your wishes, educate on making informed decisions, answer any questions, and provide hands-on labor prep with comfort measures
  • Personalized birth plan building, support, and recommendations
  • Access to a resource library


  • During your on call period, your doulas will be ready to support you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Continuous in-person support for you and your partner
  • Taking photos to cherish forever
  • Support with infant feeding and comfort during the Golden Hour (baby’s first hour)

Are you curious about HypnoBirthing and how it can support a more mindful and calm birth experience? We also offer a HynoBirthing birth package or Private HynoBirthing Class Series.


  • One postpartum in-home follow-up visit to process your birth experience
  • Newborn care including tips and tricks for feeding, soothing, and improving newborn sleep
  • A safe space to discuss postpartum healing

We support all types of births, including: Unmedicated/natural births. Epidural-assisted births. Planned or emergency cesarean births. VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). Births in hospitals, birth centers, or at home. Our role is to respect your birth choices and help you feel empowered, no matter the circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Research shows that having a doula can lead to:

  • Shorter labor durations.
  • Reduced need for interventions like epidurals or cesareans.
  • Higher satisfaction with the overall birth experience.

Doulas offer continuous support, helping you navigate challenges and make informed decisions with confidence.


We are Carrot Fertility approved doulas.

If your employer provides these benefits, we can help you through the process of getting reimbursed for your Philadelphia area birth or postpartum doula support.

Philadelphia Doula Gift Certificate Sample

The best gift you can give!

Support your loved ones with a Connected Doulas Gift Certificate: Good for any of our birth & postpartum services!

  • 1 Choose your own amount for the gift certificate.
  • 2 We will provide you with a beautiful PDF Gift Certificate, complete with a space for you to include a personalized message
  • 3 Your gift can be applied to all of our services, including birth and postpartum doula services, placenta encapsulation, lactation support, classes & postpartum meal prep.